Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Folks, still haven't remedied my DNS problem with my carrier, so I can only log in from work during my lunch 1/2 hour. It comes down to me having to call my carrier's techhies and let them examine my firewall settings, which is fine, but I have just been too busy or too brain dead to do that. So, the problem persists. My apologies.


Blogger James said...

That's too bad. No need to apologize, and I hope you'll soon enough have (internet)connection again.


6:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the blog....three thumbs up....i'm linking you if you don't mind

3:26 AM  
Blogger Scotty said...

Here's hoping the problem is resolved soon, Cookie.

8:50 PM  
Blogger angie said...

Miss you, Cookie! Come see pictures of my new puppy! Would Baby like Ruby? Hmm...

4:00 PM  
Blogger Buffy said...

I imagine you've got a lot of work done these past two weeks...

5:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

james - me too!

gypsypete -thanks so much! eventually, I will get this fixed, or just migrate it all to another blog host. hmmmm......

scotty - grrrrr! can I borrow your hose? I'd like to turn it on them all for awhile....

angie - miss you all, too! a new pup? oh, I'm so jealous already and I haven't even looked at the pics yet. ah, some day...

buffy - lol! yes, less time blogging = more of other stuff done blogging on other blogs, heh.

1:06 PM  

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